
Saturday, February 14

1436 to go February 14 2009

Suspected US Missile Attack in Pakistan

The BBC is reporting that a suspected US Missile attack has killed 27 militants in a Pakistan border town in the North West. The US is suspected to have carried out around 20 Drone missile attacks in the previous few months.

On this attack, the Drone fired two missiles at the target. The missiles hit a home in the the South Waziristan area. Officials have stated that this house was used as a hide out for Taliban forces.

According to the BBC, witnesses in the area say the rockets were fired from a drone and say the house was frequented by militants from Pakistani Taliban leader Baitullah Mehsud's organisation.

Earlier this week President Obama said that he had no doubt that militants were operating in safe havens in Pakistan's tribal belt. He also said that the US would make sure Pakistan was a strong ally in fighting that threat. Pakistani leaders had expressed hope that the new US administration of Barack Obama would halt the controversial manoeuvres.

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