
Sunday, February 22

Sunday Morning Feb 22 2009

After watching the Sunday morning political posturing on the Sunday morning television new-zines one thing is clear.

The Republican field.

Tow of the four rising stars of the Republican party, Gov. Charlie Crist, R-Fla., and Gov. Bobby Jindal, R-La., both payed a visit to Meet the Press.

Gov. Jindal from Louisiana talked briefly on the Sunday morning program Meet the Press with David Gregory about the Republican party and the need for them as a party to not be the "no" party in our current political machine. At the same time Gov. Jindal has stated that he is not interested in accepting his state's full share of the stimulus package money. This public platform has been called little more than public posturing in an attempt to propel Jindal to the front of the possible candidates for the 2012 Republican Presidential nomination. Gov. Jindal stated that if he is re-elected to the Governorship he would serve out his term. But when he was pressed on his intentions towards running for the Republican Presidential nomination, he would not answer with a yes or no. Personally I would take that as a yes.

The only problem I see from this stand point is that he is making this move against the stimulus package with little ground to stand on let alone hold. The State legislature will over rule and out maneuver him if he did block the stimulus funds and that may in turn cost him his re-election and perhaps his Presidential hopes as well.

South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford took aim last week at Gov. Crist for backing the stimulus.

In a Politico article Gov. Crist responded to the criticism he has received for appearing with Obama in Fort Myers last week by saying “To me, it’s kind of sad that people would think it’s not appropriate to appear with the president,” “We’re certainly bipartisan here in Florida, nonpartisan. We’re proud of that in Tallahassee.” He later said: “I think it’s a model for the country,” he added. “People are frustrated and tired of political bickering.”

An Obama Administration official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said on Saturday that the President plans to cut the budget deficit to $533 billion by time the current term in office comes to a close. From the current $1.3 trillion deficit expected in fiscal year 2009 to $533 billion in 4 years.

But what does that mean?


Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, rising star number 3, told "FOX News Sunday" that the markets reacted badly to the $787 billion stimulus bill signed into legislation this past week and it's only going to get worse if the president raises taxes.

Rising Republican star number 4, South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford, who opposed the stimulus bill, said "The operational deficit is a very small component of the larger deficit this country is running,".

In stark contrast to the sentiment of the rising stars, the Obama Administration official said the deficit will be shrunk by scaling back spending on the Iraq war, ending the Bush Administration temporary tax breaks for those making $250,000 or more a year, and streamlining government spending.

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