
Saturday, February 28

Sunday morning Political Press

This Sunday's political talk show line up should keep the interest of the viewers.

The shows will be inundated with top Obama National Security team members.

The main topic of discussion will be the troop withdrawal from the Iraq theater of battle.

Robert Gates, the US Defense Secretary will be on Meet the Press on NBC with David Gregory. This will be Mr. Gate's first television interview as President Obama's Secretary of Defense. In addition to the Troop draw down in Iraq, Mr. Gate's will discuss the plans to increase troop levels in Afghanistan. Other items of topic will be US Defense spending and other global US Military interests.

The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff,Mike Mullen will be making two appearances this Sunday. One appearance will be on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace where he will disuss the planed withdrawal of the troops from Iraq. He is also scheduled to appear on CNN's State of the Union with John King where he will again discuss the Obama administration's new strategies for Iraq and Afghanistan.

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