
Tuesday, March 10

Negative Reporting

Negative Reporting

And it goes on, it has been reported that Obama is meeting Peter Robinson Martin Mcguinness on St. Patrick’s day, there was some hype in the British media saying this was another snub on Gordon Brown, but the only reported that it was Martin Mcguineness attending the meeting.

Just to let you understand that Mr. Mcguinness was one of the chiefs in the IRA. He was an active part of the killing of British Irish troops and civilians in Northern Ireland and mainland Britain. To put this into prospective it would be like Khalid Sheik Mohammed, mastermind of the Sept. 11, after the many years was a major part of the peace negotiations for the Middle East, to be invited to Buckingham palace for tea with the queen. So I hope that Obama has been suitably briefed on whom he is dealing with, and it not the person how organized the “Red Button” with the Russians.

The Real IRA a hard line faction has reared its ugly head and 2 British Soldiers where killed before being deployed to fight OUR war on terror in Afghanistan. They now have also shot a policeman, I do wonder if Mr. Mcguinness knows who these people are as they are likely to be old members of the IRA? Although Martin Macguinness has said he is not going to allow acts like this to derail the peace process, but he did not use language that condemns it, but then again how could he, as it would be hypercritical as he himself was ordering the same act not so long ago. Just remember when your are applauding this person what he is born from and how hard it will be put feelings for the past aside as you may have to the same with Al Quader.

So I can understand where the resentment comes from. But at some point I understand for peace to move forward you have to let the past be the past to take care of the present, and when peace is achieved there is a small conciliation of the lives that fell to get people to go enough is enough.

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