
Saturday, April 18

President Obama announces new CPO and CTO appointments

During the weekly address, President Barack Obama announced two new positions and appointments.

The first position is the Chief Performance Officer (CPO). This position will also serve as Deputy Director for Management of the Office of Management and Budget. It will also be charged with working to streamline processes, cut costs, and find the best practices throughout the government.

The second position is the Chief Technology Officer (CTO). This position will be charged with promoting technological innovation to help the country meet its goals from job creation, to reducing health care costs and protecting the homeland.

According to the official press release, the two new positions will work with the Chief Information Officer Vivek Kundra, to help give all Americans a government that is effective, efficient, and transparent.

President Obama announced his appointments of the following individuals today:

Jeffrey D. Zients: Obama administration's new CPO

Zients has twenty years of business experience as a CEO, management consultant and entrepreneur with a deep understanding of business strategy, process re-engineering and financial management. He served as CEO and Chairman of the Advisory Board Company and Chairman of the Corporate Executive Board. These firms are leading providers of performance benchmarks and best practices across a wide range of industries. Currently, he is the Founder and Managing Partner of Portfolio Logic, an investment firm focused primarily on business and health-care service companies.

Aneesh Paul Chopra: Obama administration's new CTO

Chopra serves as Virginia’s Secretary of Technology. He leads the Commonwealth’s strategy to effectively leverage technology in government reform, to promote Virginia’s innovation agenda, and to foster technology-related economic development. Previously, he worked as Managing Director with the Advisory Board Company, leading the firm’s Financial Leadership Council and the Working Council for Health Plan Executives.

You can view the Presidential Weekly Address here and read the full transcript below the video.

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