
Tuesday, January 26

The Obama Administration Reflecting on the First Year and Where We Go From Here - Part III

Part 3

When President Obama and his Cabinet first took office a year ago, the nation was facing an array of historic challenges. The economy was in a free-fall. The nation was experiencing job losses averaging just short of three quarters of a million new losses per month. The country was embroiled in two wars and global alliances had been tested severely. The United States had amassed a staggering $1.3 trillion budget deficit.

The Administration has taken the steps that they feel will best serve our country in an effort to rescue the nation from a potential second Great Depression.

The White House Administration has decided that they would produce and post short videos, allowing the members of President Obama's Cabinet to speak directly to you in an effort to relay their progress during this first year in office and outline what their departments and agencies will do in the weeks and months ahead to keep America moving forward rather than falling back. In this set of videos they attempt to highlight the steps that they have made to rebuild the economy for the long-term and to restore America’s leadership in the 21st century.

This is a four part post, each with different speakers videos included.

This post includes:
Director of the Office of Management & Budget Peter R. Orszag
Chair of the Council of Economic Advisers Christina Romer
Commerce Secretary Gary Locke
Secretary of the Department of Agriculture Thomas Vilsack
U.S. Trade Representative Ronald Kirk

To view the other segments of this post follow these links:

Part 1: Clinton; Holder; Geithner; LaHood; Rice

Part 2: Gates; Napolitano; Solis; Jackson; Chu

Part 4: Duncan; Shinseki; Donovan; Salazar

or use the navigation on the side bar.

Director of the Office of Management & Budget Peter R. Orszag

Chair of the Council of Economic Advisers Christina Romer

Commerce Secretary Gary Locke

Secretary of the Department of Agriculture Thomas Vilsack

United States Trade Representative Ronald Kirk

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