
Friday, January 15

Oklahoma City Man Survives Haitian Quake and Returns Home in Time for Oklahoma Quake!

An Oklahoma resident was one of the lucky ones. He survived the deadly quake that hit the island nation of Haiti.

Humphreys Munai spent two full days trying to leave Haiti after the quake. He managed to return home to Oklahoma City, Oklahoma on Thursday, just in time to experience another earthquake. The epicenter of this quake was just 20 or so miles to the north-east of Oklahoma City, in Jones, Oklahoma.

Oklahoma is generally not thought of as a place where you will feel the earth move unless you found that special someone, but this morning just after 9 Am that changed. Just a bit. Oklahoma falls in what's called the Stable Continental Region so the odds of a man returning from a 7.0 earthquake in Haiti to endure yet another quake, this one a bit less strong, measuring 4.0, must be astronomical.

No injuries or major damage has been reported as a result of this earthquake.

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