Wednesday, January 13

Palin Nation or Night Whine


Palin is going to be on FOX

So this is not exactly new News but, it's the capacity of her being on FOXNews (I was once again stunned as I heard they still have a News department - I thought they had admitted to being all tabloid all the time - shocking) that has people scratching there heads.

Sarah Palin has figured out how to make real money. So far in the past few weeks she has signed on to the for profit National Tea Party as the key note speaker. The reports are that she is making only $100,000 for this speaking engagement.

Then came the big news.

FOX, the same channel that gave us comedic gems like "the Simpsons", "American Idol" and "Family Guy" will now bring you "Real American Stories" with Sarah Palin.

The former Alaska governor, whose book, Going Rogue: An American Life, became a bestseller weeks before it was released and remains No. 2 on the New York Times bestseller list, has signed a multi-year deal to offer her political commentary and analysis across all Fox News platforms, including Fox Business Channel, and Fox News Radio.

She will also participate in special event political programming for Fox Broadcasting.

Palin will also host periodic episodes of Fox News Channel's "Real American Stories," a series exploring inspirational real-life tales of overcoming adversity throughout the American landscape that will debut in 2010.

Over in England, they seem just as excited as we are to see Palin to be on TV even more!

Brad Friedman wrote in an article for the Guardian titled "Sarah Palin Goes Rogue, Joins Fox" :

"with values and balance like that of Fox News, who needs Tea Baggers? Palin will join the irrefutably balanced crew of FNC analysts and contributors which include, from the far right: former Republican house speaker Newt Gingrich, former George W Bush political bagman Karl Rove, former Ronald Reagan CIA bagman Oliver North, former Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee and former prostitute patron and toe-sucker Dick Morris among others, and on the far left: well, we'll get to that balance later, surely FNC has someone balancing things on the far left, it's just not clear who that would be yet."

Something tells me that people the world over enjoy Sarah's intentional (we all hope it is intentional) political wit and blunders. The British see Palin as the epitome of the Republican demise and Fox as "an increasingly humorous parody of itself." as they offer wishes that "she'll bring Fox/Murdoch the same kind of luck she brought McCain and the Republicans."

How long do you think we have until we hear NBC announce that they will be bringing Tina Fey back with her own program or as a guest on the MSNBC shows like the Politically charged "Rachel Maddow Show" or "Countdown with Keith Olbermann"

No matter how you look at it, America is sure to enjoy the new comedic styling to be offered. Even if Palin's voice is a bit bothersome most of the time.

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