
Friday, January 8

Pantie Bomber enters not guilty plea

Many of those in attendance today in courtroom 100 had waited hours in freezing weather, Abdul Umar Farouk Mutallab has been waiting fourteen days.

It has been fourteen days since Abdul Mutallab's attempt to blow up flight 253, and today was his first day in court.

A delegation from the Nigerian embassy in Washington DC sat in the front row. Abdul Mutallab's family was reportedly not among them.

During the proceeding that lasted just 3 minutes, the judge asked Abdul Mutallab if he had taken any medication in the last 24 hours. He said he had not. Moments later he corrected himself, "In the last 24 hours? Some painkillers," he told the judge.

Then the judge asked if he had had time to see the six charges against him, and understood them. Mutallab replied yes to both.

"Do you understand the sentence you face?" Mutallab was asked. He responded "Yes, I do."

Abdul Umar Farouk Mutallab entered a plea of not guilty.

I have no idea what good that will do him. I don't think there is a chance that anyone could see him as anything other than guilty. He had to take an action to bring the explosives on the plane and then mix them together. That means he was most definitely involved in an action that jeopardized everyone on the plane. GUILTY

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