
Tuesday, February 2

President Obama is holding a Town Hall meeting in Nashua NH at 2 PM today - Live feed on 1461

President Obama is visiting Nashua, New Hampshire today.
He will be speaking about his plan for promoting job growth and the $30 billion small business lending fund that he has proposed that would use money from the TARP bailout program that has been repaid by the financial institutions originally included in the bailouts.

President Obama spent time touring some of the local businesses in Manchester NH before heading up to Nashua to hold his town hall meeting.

The town hall meeting will take place in Nashua's North High School.

The full town hall meeting is available and streaming live below.

Share your thoughts and opinions on the Presidents town hall meeting with 1461 by adding your comments during and after the Presidents town hall.

The Live Stream of this event has concluded.

You can view a video of the event and read the full transcript of the Presidents comments and question period here on the 1461 by following this link: President Obama's Nashua New Hampshire Town Hall Feb 2 2010 (Video and Transcript)

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