
Monday, December 27

Obama Executive Order 13562 Recruiting and Hiring Students and Recent Graduates

Executive Order 13562 - Recruiting and Hiring Students and Recent Graduates

Signed December 27, 2010

This is the last Executive Order that President Obama signed in 2010.

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This Executive Order joins two programs into one with the intent of attracting a more youthful, diverse and knowledgeable staff for entry level placement into the Federal Government for long term career opportunities by reducing the entry level requirements for hiring.

The two programs are the Internship and Recent Graduates Program as well as the Presidential Management Fellows Program into one collectively joined unit to be known as the "Pathways" Program.

The EO goes on to explain each of the new sections and rules which will govern the operation of each of the programs and who will have oversight of the operation of the programs.

This Executive Order supersedes EO 12015 signed October 26, 1977 by President Jimmy Carter and Revokes EO 13318 signed November 21, 2003 by President George W. Bush.

Review President Obama's Executive Order by clicking on the following link: Executive Order 13562 Recruiting and Hiring Students and Recent Graduates

The Listing of Executive orders in the Congressional Library runs in a numeric order starting with the first Executive orders passed until the most current. When President Barack Obama took office his EO list started from #EO-13489

Updates and edits to the main 1461 Days Executive Order page are made as soon as new Executive Orders are released and published to the Internet for review.

Each EO page has a link to the Executive Order or a down-loadable PDF of the signed document made available by the Federal Register for your review.

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  1. Anonymous11:53 PM EST

    Oh so OBAMA only cares about those recently graduating from college getting jobs, and says to hell with those who have already been working for a while but are looking for better career opportunities. In other words, OBAMA's mindset is that those who are currently employed can stay where they are and he only cares about those who currently don't have a job. I recently received an email from a government organization that I applied for a job with under the Federal Career Intern Program (FCIP), which OBAMA revoked with the Executive Order 13562 he signed in December 2010. When he revoked FCIP, he did not allow OPM to make any exemptions for those positions that would not bring applicants on board by 02/28/2011. This seems like a waste of taxpayer money since I was nearly all the way through the background check, which probably costs the U.S. taxpayers about $50,000-$100,000 per applicant, and then OBAMA says "OH, to hell with the money we have spent on the applicants so far, its only taxpayer money".

  2. Anonymous7:26 PM EST

    Apparantley, OBAMA does not care at all about those who have been unemployed for quite some time, but are not within 2 years of having earned their college degree either.

  3. Anonymous - Is Obama the one who was trying to eliminate the unemployment insurance extensions?


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