
Friday, January 14

Balloting is about to start for the RNC Chair and Co-Chair

The Republican National Committee will start the balloting process to select there next Chair and Co-Chair.

Three things we can be sure of right now: The Chair and Co-Chair will not be of the same sex, Michael Steele will not be in either spot and the future of the RNC is one filled with the need to find funding.

An obscure rule of the 168 member RNC is that the Chair and Co-Chair can not be of the same sex. This was put in place to ensure that a woman would be in one or the other position, but this may have a dramatic effect on the outcome of today's balloting. The two front runners for the co-chair spot are Wyoming's Jan Larimer and Florida's Sharon Day. Only one male is running for the Co-Chair position and if a female wins the Chair - Louisiana's Roger Villere Jr. is automatically selected as Co-Chair.

Wisconsin Party Chairman Reince Priebus is considered the front runner for today's balloting. The wild cards here may be two women. A former ambassador, Ann Wagner and a longtime RNC official Maria Cino, both are in the running for the Chairman's spot.

The RNC has currently only been able to raise about $7 million in funding and is sitting around $20 million in debt.

Let's see how this unfolds!

Balloting starts at 10 Am.


Wisconsin Republican Party chairman Reince Priebus has won the first round of balloting for the RNC Chairmanship with 45 votes. Michael Steele garnered 44 and will continue to fight for the position once again. Maria Cino received 32 votes, followed by Saul Anuzis and Ann Wagner. No one has dropped out of the race as yet.

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