
Wednesday, January 12

Live Feed from Tucson Memorial Service Live 8 PM EST

Live Feed of President Obama speaking at the Arizona University Memorial. The feed will start just before 8 PM.

(UPDATE)*****The LIVE Feed is now over - you can Watch the Video Capture HERE ON 1461 NOW!*****

Thousands have surrounded the McKale Memorial Center for the service tonight.

The President and First Lady landed earlier today in preparation for the memorial service. Others in attendance will be Gov. Jan Brewer, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, Attorney General Eric Holder, Rep. Raul Grijalva and Sen. John McCain.

The memorial service entitled "Together We Thrive: Tucson and America"
starts at 6 Pm, 8 PM EST.

The program is to include opening music and a Native American blessing to be followed by University of Arizona President Robert Shelton welcoming the crowd.

After the National Anthem the speakers will take the podium in this order:

UA President Shelton

UA student presidents Emily Fritze and Daniel Hernandez Jr.

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano

Attorney General Eric Holder

President Obama

The event will end with a moment of silence.

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