
Saturday, July 23

32-year-old Anders Behring Breivik suspect in deadly bombing and shootings that claimed 92 lives in Oslo

Norwegian News is reporting that 32-year-old Anders Behring Breivik has been questioned and ABC International reports that he has been charged in the deadly bombing in Oslo and the shootings that followed just a few hours later on on the island of Utoya.

The combined attacks claimed 92 lives yesterday in the peaceful nation of Norway. Originally it was thought that 10 were killed as a result of the rampage on the island. It was later discovered as bodies were removed from the lake that 84 were killed as the gunman, dressed as a police officer fired shots at those who were attempting to swim to safety.

One of the survivors said that when the shooting started the youth group started to gather in a group thinking that the shooting was a joke.

Breivik is described by the Norwegian media as a member of "right-wing extremist groups in eastern Norway."

Police are still unsure if Breivik worked alone or had accomplices in the planning and execution of the deadly plans that will force to open society to rethink the policy that has allowed even the elected officials to walk freely and openly in public.

CNN World has an interesting post on the gunman posted. Read: Who is the suspect in Norway's attacks? HERE

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