
Friday, July 22

Blast rips through Holiday Calm in Oslo Norway and Gunman opens fire at Prime Ministers youth camp

A single explosion rocked the calm nature of Oslo Norway earlier today. There is speculation by some however that seem to think there was a possible second explosion.

The explosion shattered Government buildings in the heart of the largely open societies capitol. The blast area is very close to the city's main commercial and tourist areas.

Unofficially the blast occurred in front or behind of the Prime Ministers Office and the Oil Ministers Office buildings.

Rescue operations are still underway.

The blast occurred around 3 PM local time today during the local holiday.
Local sentiment is that this was not an accidental explosion but more likely the result of a bomb.

Windows as far as five blocks away are reported to have been blown out.

The streets are currently crowded as the police are attempting to seal off the streets.

There has been no claim of responsibility thus far in the explosions.

There has also been a gunman who reportedly was dressed as a police officer had opened fire at a camp where Prime Minister Stoltenberg's Labor party yearly youth gathering was taking place on Utoeya Island which is south of Oslo.

It isn't clear if the two attacks are linked at this time.

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