
Thursday, July 28

McCain takes aim at his own party like the Maverick he is (video)

Sen. John McCain railed against the "bizarro" alternative plans suggested by the "Tea Party hobbits" on Wednesday.

He also took a swing at Former Republican Nevada Senate candidate Sharron Angle by reading an editorial describing Tea Partiers as "hobbits." The editorial said that refusing to back House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) was "the kind of crack political thinking that turned Sharron Angle and Christine O'Donnell into GOP Senate nominees."

Sharron Angle returned volley by calling Sen. McCain the "Lord of the TARP". Saying: "Ironically, this man campaigned for Tea Party support in his last reelection, but now throws Christine O’Donnell and I into the harbor with Sarah Palin. As in the fable, it is the hobbits who are the heroes and save the land. This Lord of the TARP actually ought to read to the end of the story and join forces with the Tea Party, not criticize it."

Of course Angle is revving up for a new political run for a house seat next fall.

Read the Hill story here.

Read the MSNBC story McCain rounds on 'Tea Party hobbits' in budget debate here.

The conservatives are starting to go at each other more and more as the tensions build within the party. The fracture lines will still continue to widen as the Tea Party and the Republican gap as the GOP continues to fight for true direction and leadership.

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