
Wednesday, July 13

Obama Hauls in a record $86 Million in re-election funds for Democrats

CAUTION: DEMOCRAT WITH ATTITUDE donkey sign Over a three month period, President Obama has raised a record $86 Million in campaign funds for himself and the Democrat party. $47 Million of those funds are for the re-election of President Obama, $38 Million of the funds were raised jointly with the Democratic National Committee. Obama and the Democrats have out-raised the Republican party by nearly 60% so far.

The campaign does not accept donations from lobbyists or PAC's (Political Action Committees) and depends more heavily donations from average, everyday Americana's.

Republican hopeful, Mitt Romney in stark comparison has been able to raise $18 million is campaign funds during the same three month period. An independent group that supports the former Massachusetts Governor is expected to report that they have been able to raise $12 million during that period bringing Romney's total to $30 million in funds.

The next quarter will be critical in the efforts of both sides. While the Democrats have a candidate already by incumbency, the Republicans are still working towards selecting a candidate.

This definitely gives the advantage tot he Democrats as they can dedicate themselves to one candidates funds without dividing the funds.

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