
Monday, March 23

the 2009 Easter Egg Roll

On the other side of Washington politics, the 2009 Easter Egg Roll tickets are going to be available on-line.

The White House announced that the 131st Easter Egg Roll will be held on Monday April 13, from 8 am to 5 pm on the South Lawn of the White House and that the tickets will be distributed over the Internet.

The Theme of this year, "Let's go play"

The goal of the theme is to encourage young people to lead a more healthy and active lifestyle than the video game generation has begun to live.

The other activities to enjoy will involve cooking classes, stories and live musical performances as well as the Easter Egg roll.

For information on getting in line to get your tickets for the 2009 Easter Egg Roll go to the White House web page.

There will be no ticket distribution on the Ellipse the weekend before the event.
A maximum of six tickets will be issued per order.
Children age ten and under, along with their families are invited to attend.
There must be at least one child ten years old or under and no more than two adults per group.

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