
Tuesday, March 24

President Obama to hold news conference tonight at 8 PM

At 8 PM tonight President Barack Obama will hold a news conference in the East Room of the White House. The news conference will be televised and will interrupt the scheduled evening television broadcast line up on ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox, CNN, Fox News, and MSNBC.

This will undoubtedly cause allot of you "American Idol" fans to cry uncontrollably.

But don't worry too much, Fox's "American Idol" is moving its two hour Motown themed show to Wednesday, with the eliminations on Thursday night.

CBS's "NCIS" and "The Mentalist" will be one hour later than normal.

NBC's two hour "The Biggest Loser" will also air one hour later than normal.

The main topic of tonight's news conference: President Obama's budget proposal.

I would also expect that President Obama will touch on a few other key issues:

  1. The Recovery Act implementation conference calls that Vice President Biden held today with Governors, Mayors and County Executives from across the country.
  2. The U.S. relationship with Mexico as Department of Homeland Secretary Janet Napolitano, Deputy Secretary of State Jim Steinberg and United States Deputy Attorney General David Ogden will lay out the Administration’s comprehensive response to the situation along the border with Mexico today.
  3. AIG Bonuses
  4. Monday's Rally and the Tuesday Tumble on the stock markets.

I would expect the news conference to last just short of the half hour mark.

Do you think there will be another Bowling gaff or will President Obama stick to a tight script tonight?

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