
Friday, March 20

President Obama apologizes for Special Olympics joke

As we expected President Obama has submitted an apology for the Special Olympics reference he made last night while on the Late Show with Jay Leno.

the President was talking with Jay Leno during his segment in last nights broadcast of the prerecorded program about how he had been practicing his game at the White House's bowling alley. He expresses that he was still unhappy with his score of 129.

Then he remarked: "It was like the Special Olympics or something."

The audience laughed, and the White House staff cringed.

President Obama called Tim Shriver, the chairman of the Special Olympics, while he was in route back to Washington aboard Air Force One to say he was sorry for his comment before the taped program had even aired on Thursday night.

During an interview on ABC's "Good Morning America" Tim Shriver spoke about the conversation he had with President Obama the night before, saying "He expressed his disappointment and he apologized in a way that was very moving. He expressed that he did not intend to humiliate this population," Mr Shriver went on to say "He, I think importantly, said he was ready to have some of our athletes over to the White House to bowl or to play basketball, or help him improve his score."

After the President's exhibition of his bowling skills in Altoona, Pa. during the campaign, where he bowled a 37, he might do well getting some pointers.

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