
Saturday, March 21

The Weekly WTF Update

Well we have been working to get the weekly WTF on a roll all it's own but have hit a few snags over the past few weeks.

In an effort to overcome these snags we have approached and asked another satirical political blogger Dr. Dave to get involved with the project, and we are happy to report that he has decided to join the team.

Both Dr. Dave and TMX will be working the WTF column from here out.

We will also be adding a new post each week where you all can add your Weekly WTF Nominations for review. This should make it less difficult to submit suggestions (yes I actually received emails telling me that they couldn't figure out how to submit a White House Total Fail - which made me laugh because they could find my e-mail but couldn't figure out where to post)

These two changes should give the section a new lease on life.

Welcome to the pages Dr. Dave!

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