News Corp takes another step down an awkward side road.
Rebekah Brooks was the CEO of the News International U.K. publishing unit which found itself at the center of the British Phone Hacking scandal that has gained international attention recently.
Bloomberg reports that U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron and News Corp. investors including Prince Alwaleed bin Talal Al Saud have called for Brooks to be removed since the phone-hacking scandal escalated last week.
The Australian born Murdoch closed the 168 year old British tabloid News of the World
Rupert Murdoch the owner of News Corp. and his son James Murdoch, who is News Corp.’s deputy chief operating officer, are scheduled to testify about the alleged phone- hacking scandal before the U.K. Parliament on July 19.
Read the Bloomberg story News Corp. U.K. Newspaper CEO Brooks Resigns here.
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