
Saturday, August 27

President Obama Signs Multiple State Emergency Declarations

President Obama declared several emergencies exists in the east coast States and ordered federal aid to supplement state and local response efforts due to the conditions resulting from Hurricane Irene beginning on August 26, 2011, and continuing.

Read the full list of declarations with the official press releases for each.

Update - August 29 2011

An Additional State has been declared in an emergency status

Vermont Emergency Declaration August 29 2011

One Additional State and the District of Columbia has been added to the list of emergency declarations related to Irene.

District of Columbia Emergency Declaration

Delaware Emergency Declaration

**Disaster Declared
Puerto Rico has been declared a Disaster.

August 27th 2011

Maryland Emergency Declaration

Rhode Island Emergency Declaration

New Hampshire Emergency Declaration

New Jersey Emergency Declaration

Connecticut Emergency Declaration

Massachusetts Emergency Declaration

Virginia Emergency Declaration

New York Emergency Declaration

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