
Saturday, November 19

Signed Legislation by President Obama for November 2011

President Obama signed 16 Bills into law during the month of November 2011.

Each is listed by date below with a PDF of the most recently posted PDF of the Bill.

S 1412 for the 112th Congress, Signed on November 23, 2011 Officer John Maguire Post Office, Woburn, Massachusetts

HR 2447 for the 112th Congress, Signed on November 23, 2011Congressional Gold Medal: Montford Point Marines

HR 398 for the 112th Congress Signed on November 23, 2011: Residency Filing Requirements for Service-members and Spouses Living Abroad

Bill Number S.1280 for the 112th Congress signed November 21, 2011: Kate Puzey Peace Corps Volunteer Protection Act of 2011 - Bill Number S.1280

HR 674 for the 112th Congress Signed on November 21, 2011
3% Withholding Repeal and Job Creation Act

Read the Bill Final as Passed Both House and Senate

HR 2112 for the 112th Congress Signed on November 18, 2011
Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act, 2012

Making consolidated appropriations for the Departments of Agriculture, Commerce, Justice, Transportation, and Housing and Urban Development, and related programs for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2012, and for other purposes.

Read the Bill Final as Passed Both House and Senate

S 1487 for the 112th Congress Signed on November 12, 2011
Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Business Travel Cards Act of 2011

During the 7-year period ending on September 30, 2018, the Secretary of Homeland Security, in coordination with the Secretary of State, is authorized to issue Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Business Travel Cards (referred to in this section as ‘‘ABT Cards’’) to any eligible person, including business leaders and United States Government officials who are actively engaged in Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation business. An individual may not receive an ABT Card under this section unless the individual has been approved and is in good standing in an international trusted traveler program of the Department of Homeland Security.

Read the Bill Final as Passed Both House and Senate

S 894 for the 112th Congress Signed on November 9, 2011

To amend title 38, United States Code, to provide for an increase, effective December 1, 2011, in the rates of compensation for veterans with service-connected disabilities and the rates of dependency and indemnity compensation for the survivors of certain disabled veterans, and for other purposes.

Read the Bill Final as Passed Both House and Senate

HR 818 for the 112th Congress Signed on November 9, 2011
A Bill to direct the Secretary of the Interior to allow for prepayment of repayment contracts between the United States and the Uintah Water Conservancy District.

Read the Bill Final as Passed Both House and Senate

HR 368 for the 112th Congress Signed on November 9, 2011
Removal Clarification Act of 2011

To amend title 28, United States Code, to clarify and improve certain provisions relating to the removal of litigation against Federal officers or agencies to Federal courts, and for other purposes.

Read the Bill Final as Passed Both House and Senate

HR 2149 for the 112th Congress Signed on November 7, 2011
Cecil L. Heftel Post Office Building, Honolulu, Hawaii

The Bill designates the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 4354 Pahoa Avenue in Honolulu, Hawaii, as the `Cecil L. Heftel Post Office Building'. Read the Bill Final as Passed Both House and Senate

HR 2062 for the 112th Congress Signed on November 7, 2011
Matthew A. Pucino Post Office, Sagamore Beach, Massachusetts

The Bill designates the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 45 Meetinghouse Lane in Sagamore Beach, Massachusetts, as the `Matthew A. Pucino Post Office'. Read the Bill Final as Passed Both House and Senate

HR 1975 for the 112th Congress Signed on November 7, 2011
First Lieutenant Oliver Goodall Post Office Building, Pasadena, California

The Bill designates the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 281 East Colorado Boulevard in Pasadena, California, as the `First Lieutenant Oliver Goodall Post Office Building'. Read the Bill Final as Passed Both House and Senate

HR 1843 for the 112th Congress Signed on November 7, 2011
John Pangelinan Gerber Post Office Building, Barrigada, Guam

The Bill designates the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 489 Army Drive in Barrigada, Guam, as the `John Pangelinan Gerber Post Office Building'. Read the Bill Final as Passed Both House and Senate

HR 765 for the 112th Congress Signed on November 7, 2011
Ski Area Recreational Opportunity Enhancement Act of 2011

Ski Area Recreational Opportunity Enhancement Act of 2011. Amendment to National Forest Ski Area Permit Act of 1986 to strike "Nordic and Alpine Ski Areas and facilities" and inserting "Ski areas and associated facilities".

Adding the following authorised activities and facilities:
zip lines; mountain bike terrain parks and trails; frisbee golf courses; and ropes courses.

Adding the following activities and facilities that are prohibited:
tennis courts; water slides and water parks; swimming pools; golf courses; and amusement parks.

Read the Bill Final as Passed Both House and Senate

HR 489 for the 112th Congress Signed on November 7, 2011
Land Withdrawal and Reservation for C.C. Cragin Dam and Reservoir

A bill To clarify the jurisdiction of the Secretary of the Interior with respect to the C.C. Cragin Dam and Reservoir, and for other purposes.

Cragin Dam and Reservoir, part of the Salt River Project Agricultural Improvement and Power District.

Read the Bill Final as Passed Both House and Senate

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