
Wednesday, March 21

Presidential Message to Congress: Requirements of the National Defense Authorization Act

Review the full list of the Obama Administrations Memorandum here.

Don't forget to keep an eye on the full list of President Obama's Executive Orders.

Why is the Presidential Memorandum so important and why is the 1461 tracking them?
In January of 2009 the Presidential Memorandum was given the same power as the Executive Order by the Department of Justice in a statement by U.S. Assistant Attorney General Randolph D. Moss.
In effect, it suddenly became the equal to the Executive Order with the same power.

For Immediate Release: February 28, 2012


**Attached is the text of a Presidential Policy Directive establishing procedures to implement section 1022 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 (Public Law 112-81) (the "Act"), which I hereby submit to the Congress, as required under section 1022(c)(1) of the Act. The Directive also includes a written certification that it is in the national security interests of the United States to waive the requirements of section 1022(a)(1) of the Act with respect to certain categories of individuals, which I hereby submit to the Congress in accordance with section 1022(a)(4) of the Act.


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