
Saturday, March 10

Presidential Weekly Address: Investing in a Clean Energy Future March 10 2012 (Video)

In this weekly address, President Obama spoke from a factory in Petersburg, Virginia about companies creating more jobs and making better products in the United States than ever before. The new technologies they are developing are playing an important role in reducing our dependence on foreign oil.

Under the Obama Administration, domestic oil and gas production is up, and we are currently producing more oil at home than any time in the last eight years, but with only 2% of the world’s oil reserves, we can’t drill our way to lower gas prices. We need an all-of-the-above strategy that focuses on American-made energy and works to drive foreign crude values down so that we can dominate the market and take back the lions share of the wealth generated by energy consumption worldwide. President Obama also called on Congress to end the $4 billion in subsidies to oil companies each year.

Read the transcript of President Obama's Weekly Address: Investing in a Clean Energy Future March 10 2012 by clicking here.

Download a free MP3 copy of the President's Weekly Address: Investing in a Clean Energy Future March 10 2012 by clicking here

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