
Wednesday, January 16

New Gun Control Policy to be Announced Today

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How far will the President go with the new gun control policies and by legislation or Executive Order?

Big questions that will be answered by mid-day today. 

The White House has said that the "event" in which the new gun policy will be unveiled or the Executive Order signing which is sure to be part of the closing of the overall "event" will be held at mid-day. No exact time for the "event" has been released at the time of this article being written. Children who wrote the President asking for the current gun laws to be changed will be on center stage in the gun policy "event" as the President and the Obama Administration continues to link the support of the United States behind his actions.
There are of course the expected 19 Executive Orders as Vice President Biden had mentioned the 19 had already been outlined for quick action. 
Much speculation is being tossed about as to what the Executive Orders could contain for new gun policy. 

As I have pointed out repeatedly, the Executive Order could modify and or ban the existing interpretations of laws allowing the purchase and sale of weapons and or ammo over the internet. 

It could be used to limit or ban assault style weapons by reinstating the previous assault weapons ban from the 1994 Anti-crime Bill. by former President Clinton. 

It could ban high-volume magazine's or clips used for semi-automatic weapons. 

It could limit the sale of ammo in single purchase quantities. 

The President could make it mandatory for universal background checks to be made on anyone purchasing even ammunition.

President Obama could sign an Executive Order requiring that anyone wishing to purchase a gun be licensed to do so. 

You could also see an Executive Order bringing the end of Gun Show Sales, which have been a gray area for the trade of firearms and ammunition for years.
President Obama will also need to use legislation to change the laws and enact new ones that the Administration is currently envisioning for the new gun policy. 

Some Democrats are on-board with the President using Executive Order's rather than attempting to work for passage of legislation  "I urged him to do as much by executive order as possible," said Representative Jackie Speier of California. "Frankly, I don’t have a lot of confidence that this Congress is going to do anything significant." 
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