
Sunday, February 17

President Lincolns Executive Orders: Thanks to the Forces that Captured Fort Henry and Roanoke Island

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Executive Orders of President Abraham Lincoln

The President's Thanks to the Forces that Captured Fort Henry and Roanoke Island

February 18, 1862

The President, Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy, returns thanks to Brigadier-General Burnside and Flag-Officer Goldsborough, and to Brigadier-General Grant and Flag-Officer Foote, and the land and naval forces under their respective commands, for their gallant achievements in the capture of Fort Henry and at Roanoke Island. While it will be no ordinary pleasure for him to acknowledge and reward in a becoming manner the valor of the living, he also recognizes his duty to pay fitting honor to the memory of the gallant dead. The charge at Roanoke Island, like the bayonet charge at Mill Springs, proves that the close grapple and sharp steel of loyal and patriotic soldiers must always put rebels and traitors to flight.

The late achievements of the Navy show that the flag of the Union, once borne in proud glory around the world by naval heroes, will soon again float over every rebel city and stronghold, and that it shall forever be honored and respected as the emblem of liberty and union in every land and upon every sea.

By order of the President:
Abraham Lincoln

Secretary of War.

Secretary of the Navy.

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