
Wednesday, March 27

President Obama at Swearing-in Ceremony of Julia Pierson as the Director of the U.S. Secret Service

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Oval Office, White House
Washington DC
3:16 P.M. EDT

(The Vice President administers the oath to Ms. Pierson.)

THE VICE PRESIDENT: Congratulations.


MS. PIERSON: Thank you very much, Mr. President.

THE PRESIDENT: Thank you so much. Well, listen, I have to say that Julia’s reputation within the Service is extraordinary. She’s come up through the ranks. She’s done just about every job there is to do at the Secret Service.

Obviously, she’s breaking the mold in terms of directors of the agency, and I think that people are all extraordinarily proud of her. And we have the greatest confidence in the wonderful task that lies ahead and very confident that she is going to do a great job. So we just want to say congratulations.

As Joe Biden pointed out, this person now probably has more control over our lives than anyone else -- (laughter) -- except for our spouses. And I couldn’t be placing our lives in better hands than Julia’s.

THE VICE PRESIDENT: And my agents are excited that we picked her.

THE PRESIDENT: Absolutely. You’re going to do a great job.

Q How did you make your decision?

THE PRESIDENT: She has extraordinary qualifications, and I think a lot of people who have worked with Julia know how dedicated, how professional, how committed she is, and I think are absolutely certain that she’s going to thrive in this job.

Thank you, guys.

Q:    How are you feeling about your bracket, sir?

THE PRESIDENT: Busted. (Laughter.) I think my women’s bracket is doing much better than my men’s bracket.

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