
Sunday, March 10

Today in US Political History March 10th

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Today in US Political History

On March 10th

Mar 10 1785 - Thomas Jefferson was appointed minister to France, succeeding Benjamin Franklin. 
Mar 10 1848 - The US Senate ratified the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, ending the war with Mexico. 
Mar 10 1862 - First U.S. paper money was issued in denominations of $5, $10, $20, $50, $100, $500 and $1000. 
Mar 10 1894 - New York Gov. Roswell P. Flower signed the nation's first dog-licensing law. The license fee was $2, renewable annually for $1.
Mar 10 1924 - The U.S. Supreme Court upheld a New York state law forbidding late-night work for women.
Mar 10 1933 - Nevada became the first U.S. state to regulate narcotics. 
Mar 10 1945 - Some 300 American B-29s bombed Tokyo at night with almost 2,000 tons of incendiaries killing 100,000.
Mar 10 1954 - President Eisenhower called Sen. Joseph McCarthy a peril to the Republican Party. 
Mar 10 1966 - The North Vietnamese captured a Green Beret camp at Ashau Valley. 
Mar 10 1968 - Robert Kennedy visited Delano, Ca., in his bid for the presidency. He joined Cesar Chavez in a chapel where Chavez broke his fast on behalf of organizing farm workers.
Mar 10 1969 - James Earl Ray pleaded guilty to the murder of Dr. Martin Luther King in Memphis, Tenn., and was sentenced to 99 years in jail. Ray later repudiated that plea.
Mar 10 1982 - President Reagan proclaimed economic sanctions against Libya and banned Libyan oil imports, because of the continued support of terrorism.
Mar 10 1989 - One day after the Senate rejected the defense secretary nomination of John Tower, President Bush announced he would nominate Wyoming Rep. Dick Cheney, who was later confirmed. 
Mar 10 1991 - Eight Arab governments endorsed President Bush’s Middle East peace proposal calling for Israel to relinquish territory, and reiterated their desire for a peace conference.
Mar 10 1993 - Authorities announced the arrest of Nidal Ayyad, a second suspect in the bombing of the World Trade Center in New York City.
Mar 10 1994 - White House officials began testifying before a federal grand jury about the Whitewater controversy. 
Mar 10 1995 - The Labor Department reported the nation's unemployment rate for February dropped to 5.4 percent, down 0.003 from the month before.
Mar 10 1995 - The Clinton administration released $3 billion to support Mexico's faltering economy. Former Mexican President Carlos Salinas de Gortari fled to the United States. 
Mar 10 1997 - The White House and the FBI clashed in a rare public quarrel after President Clinton said he should have been alerted when the bureau told national security officials that the Chinese government might be trying to influence U.S. elections.
Mar 10 1997 - Vietnam agreed to repay the US millions of dollars in debts incurred by the former South Vietnam. The debts were currently worth $140 mil.
Mar 10 1999 - President Clinton visited Guatemala and acknowledged the U.S. role in Central America's "dark and painful period" of civil wars and repression. He apologized for US support of rightist regimes that ruled the country for 3 decades.
Mar 10 1999 - In Serbia, President Milosevic met with Richard Holbrooke and stood firm against NATO troops in his country.
Mar 10 2000 - Nasdaq reached a record high at 5048.62.
Mar 10 2001 - President George W. Bush told Americans in his Saturday radio address that he thought support for tax relief was building, while opening the door to considering a different sort of cut than he had proposed and Democrats deplored.
Mar 10 2004 - The DJIA tumbled for a 3rd session, down 160 to 10,296.
Mar 10 2005 - The US EPA approved new limits on power plant emissions in the Eastern US. The EPA issued its Clean Air Interstate Rule (CAIR) to reduce air pollution. Courts left its provisions intact but ordered  the EPA to come up with a better rule. The new Cross-State Air Pollution rule (CSAPR) was due to go into effect Jan 1, 2012, but faced heavy state and industrial opposition.
Mar 10 2006 - The US Treasury said February’s deficit of $119.2 billion set a one-month record. It cited early tax filing, hurricane aid and Medicare drug costs.
Mar 10 2006 - The EU and the US signed a new wine deal that allows the US to export wines made using practices many European vintners shun. The bilateral accord resolved most elements of a 2-decade-long dispute over wine making methods and names.
Mar 10 2007 - President Bush in Uruguay said the FBI has addressed the problems that led to illegal prying into personal information on people in the US, but "there's more work to be done." President Bush also asked Congress for $3.2 billion to pay for 8,200 more U.S. troops needed in Afghanistan and Iraq on top of the 21,500-troop buildup he had announced in January 2007.
Mar 10 2007 - Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez visited flood-ravaged Bolivia to show off the fact that his country has pledged 10 times more aid than the Bush administration. But local leaders accused him of meddling in Bolivian politics.
Mar 10 2008 - New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer admitted to his role in a prostitution scandal. He faced mounting calls to resign. The governor first came under suspicion because of cash payments from several bank accounts to an account operated by a call-girl ring.
Mar 10 2008 - Crude oil futures moved to another all-time high as April delivery for light, sweet crude rose to $107.90 per barrel.
Mar 10 2009 - The IMF warned that the world economy will likely contract this year in a "Great Recession"
Mar 10 2010 - President Obama met with Haiti’s Pres. Rene Preval and assured him that the US was committed to Haiti’s recovery and reconstruction following the devastating January 12 earthquake.
Mar 10 2010 - The Kansas City, Mo., school board narrowly approved a plan to close nearly half the district’s schools in a desperate attempt to avoid a potential bankruptcy.
Mar 10 2010 - Virginia’s general assembly became the first state legislature to ban mandatory health insurance. Idaho followed suit a week later. Some 35 other states planned similar measures.
Mar 10 2010 - Vice President Joe Biden met Palestinian leaders, telling them Israel's decision to expand settlement activity in east Jerusalem is undermining the peace efforts he is promoting.
Mar 10 2011 - The Wisconsin Assembly stripped a bill of its spending language and passed legislation with only Republicans present taking away the collective bargaining rights of the state’s government workers.

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