
Monday, March 11

Today in US Political History March 11th

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Today in US Political History

On March 11th

1824 - The U.S. War Department created the Bureau of Indian Affairs. A lifelong friend and trusted aide of Ulysses S. Grant, Ely Parker rose to the top in two worlds, that of his native Seneca Indian tribe and the white man's world at large. He went on to become the first Indian to lead the Bureau.  

1850 - The Pennsylvania legislature passed an act to incorporate the Female Medical College of Pennsylvania, the first regular medical school for women in America.
1861 - The Confederate convention in Montgomery, Ala., adopted a constitution.

1862 - President Lincoln suspended General George McClellan from command of all the Union armies so that McClellan could concentrate on the Army of the Potomac and Richmond.

1863 - Union troops under General Ulysses S. Grant gave up their preparations to take Vicksburg after failing to pass Fort Pemberton, north of Vicksburg.

1941 - President Roosevelt authorized the Lend-Lease Act and signed into law the Lend-Lease Bill, providing war supplies to countries fighting the Axis. 

1954 - The U.S. Army charged that Wisconsin Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy and his subcommittee's chief counsel, Roy Cohn, had exerted pressure to obtain favored treatment for Pvt. G. David Schine, a former consultant to the subcommittee. The confrontation culminated in the famous Senate Army-McCarthy hearings.

1958 - A B-47 out of Hunter AFB in Savannah, Georgia, had just leveled off at 15,000 feet, when a bomb lock failed and dropped a nuclear bomb on Mars Bluff, South Carolina. The bomb was a 26 kiloton Mark 6, a more powerful version of the "Fat Man" nuclear bomb that was dropped on Nagasaki at the end of WWII. The weapons explosives detonated on impact, but the nuclear payload of the bomb did not.  Chickens were reportedly the only casualties.

1965 - The Rev. James J. Reeb (65), a white minister from Boston, died after whites beat him during civil rights disturbances in Selma, Ala. 

1973 - An FBI agent was shot at the Wounded Knee standoff in South Dakota. On February 25, 1973 the U.S. Department of Justice sent out 50 U.S. Marshals to the Pine Ridge Reservation to be available in the case of a civil disturbance. On February 28, 1973 the 200 Oglala Lakota and followers of the American Indian Movement (AIM) occupied the town of Wounded Knee, South Dakota on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. The protest followed the failure of their effort to impeach the elected tribal president Richard Wilson, whom they accused of corruption and abuse of opponents; they also protested the United States government's failure to fulfill treaties with Indian peoples and demanded the reopening of treaty negotiations.

1980 - In Laos US Air Force Chief Master Sgt. Richard L. "Dick" Etchberger (35) used an M-16 and a radio to call in air strikes and single-handedly held off the attackers until helicopters arrived at Lima site 85. After climbing into the chopper behind the others, Etchberger was fatally wounded when enemy fire struck the aircraft. The others in the helicopter made it to safety. In 2010 President Barack Obama posthumously recognized Etchberger for service "beyond the call of duty" by giving him the nation's highest military award, the Medal of Honor.

1986 - The state of Georgia pardoned Leo Frank, a Jewish businessman who had been lynched in 1915 for the murder of 13-year-old Mary Phagan.

1988 - President Reagan directed that actions be taken to suspend trade preferences available to Panama under the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) and the Caribbean Basin Initiative.

1993 - North Korea withdrew from the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty in a harsh rebuff of Western demands to open suspected nuclear weapons development sites for inspection. It later suspended its withdrawal.

1995 - President Clinton nominated Deputy Defense Secretary John Deutch to be CIA director

1997 - In a startling turnaround, Senate Republicans agreed to a broader investigation of campaign financing that would include a look at huge "soft money" donations.

1998 - A Florida appeals court restored Joe Carollo as mayor of Miami after charges of voter fraud on absentee ballots. 

1999 - The House voted 219-191 to conditionally support President Clinton's plan to send U.S. troops to Kosovo if a peace agreement was reached.  

2002 - At the White House President Bush outlined a “second stage of the war on terror” in an address that marked the 6-months since the Sep 11 terrorist attacks. Bush also unveiled a commemorative stamp to raise money to help Sept. 11 victims "get their lives back in order."
2009 - President Obama issued Executive Order 13506: Establishing a White House Council on Women and Girls

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