
Saturday, January 18

John Boehner on America’s National Security Programs

House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) released the following statement in response to President Obama’s remarks on US Intelligence Programs

Our national security programs exist to root out terrorist threats and save American lives – and they have. Because the president has failed to adequately explain the necessity of these programs, the privacy concerns of some Americans are understandable.

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When considering any reforms, however, keeping Americans safe must remain our top priority. When lives are at stake, the president must not allow politics to cloud his judgment. I look forward to learning more about how the new procedure for accessing data will not put Americans at greater risk. And the House will review any legislative reforms proposed by the administration, but we will not erode the operational integrity of critical programs that have helped keep America safe.

Read President Obama's remarks here or watch President Obama deliver his remarks on video here

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