
Friday, February 7

Press Secretary Statement: Senate Blockage of Emergency Unemployment Insurance Extension

The White House
Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release February 06, 2014

It is disappointing that Republicans in the Senate chose to again deny emergency unemployment insurance for 1.7 million Americans who need this vital lifeline to support their families as they actively search each and every day for a job. As the President said during the State of the Union, we need to give these hardworking, responsible Americans a chance. We cannot allow one vote to stand in the way of supporting these Americans as they struggle to find work. Both sides of the aisle have worked together to prevent this kind of hardship in the past, and neglecting to do so now is unacceptable – especially given the high long-term unemployment rate.

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Last week the President took action on his own, bringing together CEOs whose companies have agreed to take steps to help give the long-term unemployed a fair shot at a job, and announced new steps to expand partnerships that connect the long-term unemployed to good jobs. Republicans in Congress need to allow this bill to have an up or down vote and remove this needless drag on our economy and American families.

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