Due to the impending weather expected to impact the greater DC Metropolitan area this weekend, the National Park Service, the Mayor’s office, FEMA and the Washington DC Martin Luther King Jr. National Memorial Project Foundation have, in the interest of public safety, decided to change the plans and dates for the dedication of the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial.
The dedication was to correspond with the 48th anniversary of the historic "I have a dream
The official Dedication ceremony which President Obama was scheduled to speak at will be rescheduled to a date yet determined in September or October.
To check for updates and more information on the Dr. Martin Luther King Memorial dedication ceremony schedule and more go to the Dedicate The Dream official website
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I attended the soft opening of the MLK Memorial last Monday in Washington D.C. The legacy of Martin Luther King is not in the stone and marble memorials that idolize him. Dr. King posessed and related the kind of connectivity with the inner rhetoric of nature, that inspired others to follow this path. His eloquence, passion, and articulation, inspired me in a very striking way: I have a dream that all of the world's children would extract a symbolic weed, for participating in completing his DREAM. Sound impossible? Not really, it is official. Chicago Mayor Emanuel, IL Gov Pat Quinn, and IA Gov Terry Brandstad, have each proclaimed this Sunday as WEED OUT HATE Days. Whatever means or rituals you wish to weed out hate in your hearts and souls will help keep his dream alive, in spite of and perhaps to spite all the forces of Nature and Humankind that throw obsticles in this path....