Monday, September 3

White House Honey Ale Recipe

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Some of you asked for the recipes to be posted here on the 1461 and it does fit into the narrative somewhat so here they are - not something I would drink but I have never enjoyed honey in my beers.

White House Honey Ale


2 (3.3 lb) cans light malt extract
1 lb light dried malt extract
12 oz crushed amber crystal malt
8 oz Biscuit Malt
1 lb White House Honey
1 1/2 oz Kent Goldings Hop Pellets
1 1/2 oz Fuggles Hop pellets
2 tsp gypsum
1 pkg Windsor dry ale yeast
3/4 cup corn sugar for priming


1. In an 12 qt pot, steep the grains in a hop bag in 1 ½ gallons of sterile water at 155 degrees for half an hour. Remove the grains.

2. Add the 2 cans of the malt extract and the dried extract and bring to a boil.

3. For the first flavoring, add the 1 ½ oz Kent Goldings and 2 tsp of gypsum. Boil for 45 minutes.

4. For the second flavoring, add the ½ oz Fuggles hop pellets at the last minute of the boil.

5. Add the honey and boil for 5 more minutes.

6. Add 2 gallons chilled sterile water into the primary fermenter and add the hot wort into it. Top with more water to total 5 gallons. There is no need to strain.

7. Pitch yeast when wort temperature is between 70-80˚. Fill airlock halfway with water.

8. Ferment at 68-72˚ for about seven days.

9. Rack to a secondary fermenter after five days and ferment for 14 more days.

10. To bottle, dissolve the corn sugar into 2 pints of boiling water for 15 minutes. Pour the mixture into an empty bottling bucket. Siphon the beer from the fermenter over it. Distribute priming sugar evenly. Siphon into bottles and cap. Let sit for 2 to 3 weeks at 75˚.

You can download a FREE PDF of the recipe for the White House Porter and Ale by clicking here or click here to see the White House Honey Porter Recipe

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