Tuesday, October 23

Charges dropped against 80 year old woman who "removed" candidates signs

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An 80 year old woman was recently arrested and charged with breach of peace and 6th degree larceny for removing a presidential candidates signs that depicted President Obama wearing a Hitler style mustache. 

Nancy Lack was arrested on October 11th in the town of Hebron Connecticut after she removed three signs that were hung on Main Street by workers for the Presidential candidate Lyndon LaRouche's campaign.  

One of the workers followed Lack as she put the signs in her car and contacted the police and had Nancy arrested for unlawfully removing the campaign signs.

When she was asked by a Connecticut NBC station why she took down the signs Nancy said "My generation went through the Second World War, and Nazism is about the worst there can be. I just got very angry that they would do that to Obama's image.  I guess I deserved it. I stole the posters." 

She faced up to 3 months in jail for removing the signs.

Ms Lack did not appear in Rockville Superior court today. 

She met with the prosecutors office earlier in the day who informed the judge in the case that the posters had been recovered.

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