Friday, November 13

Violence Erupts in Paris - scores killed in shootings ####UPDATE 4

Reports are claiming any where from 18 to 60 people have been killed in multiple acts of violence in and around Paris and as many as 100 people have been taken hostage La Bataclan, a theater hosting a Eagles of Death Metal concert. Reports from the AP say that shots have been fired in the theater over the past half hour

An explosion has been reported outside of a soccer stadium

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#Update# - A shooting has now been reported in a shopping mall in the heart of Paris

The Mayor of Paris has now publicly told residents not to leave home

##Update 2##
The Washington Post has released a map of the known attacks in and around Paris

###UPDATE 3###

Explosion in bar by Stade de France was reportedly a suicide bomber - no confirmation as yet

####UPDATE 4####
French Police have stormed the Bataclan arts center

Eyewitness reports are saying that one of the attackers in the Bataclan arts center Eagles of Death Metal show shouted "Allhau akbar" before firing into the crowd in attendance.

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