Friday, September 9

Secretary of State John Kerry's Statement on North Korea's Nuclear Test

The United States and nations around the world have condemned North Korea’s September 9 nuclear test as a grave threat to regional security and to international peace and security. This action is as destabilizing as it is unlawful, flagrantly violating multiple UN Security Council Resolutions and the D.P.R.K.’s own commitments.

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We remain committed to defending the American people and honoring our security commitments to our allies in the region. We are prepared to take whatever measures are necessary to ensure our alliances continue to defend against this growing threat to international peace and security. The United States remains steadfast in our defense commitments to our allies in the region, using all the capabilities at our disposal, including our extended deterrence commitments.

The United States intends to work with UN Security Council partners to take robust steps in response to this provocation. We expect our Six Party Partners to take necessary steps to ensure the D.P.R.K. regime understands there are consequences to its unlawful and dangerous actions.

The D.P.R.K.'s repeated and willful violations of its obligations under UN Security Council Resolutions, its belligerent and erratic threats, and web of illicit activities around the world indicate it has no interest in participating in global affairs as a responsible member of the international community.

We remain open to credible and authentic talks aimed at full and verifiable denuclearization of the D.P.R.K.. Sadly, the D.P.R.K. has chosen a different path and made clear it would not be a credible negotiating partner. North Korea will only achieve the security and development it claims to seek by living up to its international obligations and commitments.

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