Thursday, May 24

Obama Administration goes mobile with 21st century initiative

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President Obama has released a new "Directive" to Make Federal Services Available on Mobile Devices and "Spur “App Economy” and Entrepreneurship".

The push is in an effort to bring new and useful services to consumers on their mobile devices.

As part of the 21st century digital government, President Obama has issued a directive requiring that each major Federal agency make two key government services the American people depend on available on mobile phones within the next 12 months.

The Administration is also ramping up its ongoing efforts to make large amounts of government data more easily accessible to the public to spur entrepreneurs to develop innovative new services and mobile applications that take advantage of this data, creating new opportunities, businesses and jobs in the process.

This transition is being pressed to keep pace with the average American citizen whom it is anticipated will access the internet, news and financial information via mobile handheld device rather than standard desktop or laptop pc by 2015.

We can already get access to critical veteran services, and check the status of their tax returns.

U.S. Chief Information Officer, Steven VanRoekel, will have a challenge balancing the critical tight rope of security and access rights for the information that the US government will undoubtedly want to make accessible by internet or device based app.

U.S. Chief Technology Officer, Todd Park, is launching a new Presidential Innovation program. This program will run in hopes of bring private sector app innovators and programmers to work with Federal innovators on creative new projects.

Among the projects that they will take on are consumer-friendly government information about health, education, energy, safety, and personal finance more accessible to all Americans.

I am waiting to see when we should start lining up for our bar-code tattoos - it can't be too far away now.

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