
Tuesday, June 12

Latest Obama Rumors that we have been asked about

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Ok folks - I keep getting asked about the validity of rumors being spread about President Obama and different laws that he is supposedly enacting.

Lets just start answering some of them right off.

Q: Has Obama really signed over 900 Executive Orders?

A: No Obama has issued 127 Executive Orders to June 12 2012

Q: Did Congress Vote to allow Barack Obama stay in office forever?

A: No- sorry the answer is just plain no.

Q: Did President Obama sign an Executive Order giving North Korea supreme power over the United States?

A: No Obama has issued 126 Executive Orders

Q: Has Obama signed more Executive Orders than President Bush?

A: No - Obama has issued 127 Executive Orders so far and President Bush Signed 291 Executive Orders - Keep in mind Obama has spent 1 term in office and George W Bush spent 2 terms in office - If Obama is reelected to spend a second term in office he may end up right around the same total.

Q: Did President Obama sign an Executive Order blocking access to his birth certificate and is he the only Presidnet who has ever used an Executive Order on his records?

A: No - The Executive Order that is referenced in this rumor is EO 13489 - Presidential Records - it was the first Executive Order signed into law by President Obama but it does not do what it is rumored to do. In-fact Obama was not the first President to use this Executive Order - President Bush signed EO 13233 President Reagan used EC 12667 to amend President Carters Presidential Records Act of 1978 which was passed by the 95th Congress in there second session.

Q: I have been told that President Obama has signed 923 Executive Orders into law, is this true?

A: No - Obama has issued 126 Executive Orders

Q: Can Obama sign an Executive Order making himself President for life?

A: Safeguards are in place in our Constitution that says Congress can overturn any Executive Order signed into law by the President and has 30 days to review it before it becomes law.

Q: I have been told that your blog is an official White House blog, is this true?

A: NO! The 1461 is an independent blog about the President and the Presidents Administration - I started this blog originally by myself as an independent blogger and writer. I brought several journalists and bloggers in to work with me at one point some pro-right-wing some pro-left-wing and found that it just wasn't working out. It is back to being just me here at the 1461 and I am not affiliated with the White House or President Obama or his Election campaigns.

Q: Did President Obama sign an executive Order that limited the power of the Congress while increasing his personal power?

A: No - Again as I said before - safeguards are in place in our Constitution that says Congress can overturn any Executive Order signed into law by the President and has 30 days to review it before it becomes law.

Q: did obama pass a law in december 2011 about having a bible in public?

A: No - take a look for yourself at the Executive Orders that President Obama signed in to law so far.

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  1. Anonymous9:04 AM EDT


  2. Anonymous4:32 PM EDT

    Because he doesn't have to release any of them. President bush didn't release his own records from college either, they were leaked.

  3. Obama isn't keeping them sealed, the Privacy Act is.


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