Monday, November 14

Letter from the President: Fiscal Year 2017 Budget amendments

Dear Mr. Speaker:

I ask the Congress to consider the enclosed Fiscal Year (FY) 2017 Budget amendments for national security activities at the Department of Defense (DOD), the Department of State (State), and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) to fund Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO).

These amendments would provide $5.8 billion for DOD OCO activities to support the Afghan National Defense and Security Forces, and to degrade and ultimately defeat the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), including through military operations as part of Operation Inherent Resolve. For State and USAID, a total of $5.8 billion would support the Administration's counter-ISIL and counterterrorism objectives, including the efforts to implement the diplomatic engagement, governance, and stabilization components of my Administration's counter-ISIL strategy, strengthen
embassy security, and respond to relief and recovery needs, as well as provide additional humanitarian assistance for areas liberated from ISIL and other unforeseen needs.

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Overall, these amendments would increase the OCO funding requested for FY 2017 by $11.6 billion, for a total FY 2017 OCO request of $85.3 billion. Consistent with last year's bipartisan budget agreement, these amendments would provide equal funding increases for defense and non-defense security programs.

The details of these amendments are set forth in the enclosed letter from the Director of the Office of Management and Budget.

While these amendments focus on funding our overseas national security efforts, our efforts here at home are equally important to fighting terrorism and protecting the American people. For this reason, I urge the Congress to fully fund not only the international security needs outlined in this request, but also the domestic security programs included in the FY 2017 Budget. Specifically, the Congress should fund critical cybersecurity programs and ensure the Nation has the resources needed to aggressively counter evolving cybersecurity threats. I also encourage the Congress to provide the resources necessary for the Department of Homeland Security's Transportation Security Administration and its Countering Violent Extremism programs.


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