Monday, July 18

Statement by Vice President Biden on the Baton Rouge Attack

I join President Obama in strongly condemning today’s targeted attack on law enforcement in Baton Rouge that killed three police officers and wounded three others.  It’s despicable. It’s cowardly. And it's an attack on our very way of life and rule of law.

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Like thousands of other law enforcement officers who got up this morning, the officers killed and wounded were sworn to protect their community. And they responded. They responded to help. And every time they responded to help they knew they were putting themselves in danger. Police officers are an incredible group of men and women. We owe them our gratitude and a commitment not to let others divide us. That's not who they
were, that's not who they are.
My heart goes out to the families. And my enduring thanks to all those police officers who are protecting us as we speak. We owe them.
May God bless the fallen, their families, and their brothers and sisters in uniform.

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